I started in this business so young that all other lives did seem much more exciting and adventurous. And you do sort of think you are living that life,亮剑2 and you forget to build your own.
阿基米德发表于: 44小时前
A / 影片叙事和人物以及三条线间的关系就像开头的枪与旷野中的猎物一般,始终处于一种漫不经心的摩擦/追及/错失的迷离状态。其中潜流的张力让看似分离且生死更迭的人物仿佛是同一张卷轴的自然舒展,无形中完成了相互的言说甚至是心理重叠。看完只想感慨《亮剑2》输得不冤……
少年 遊发表于: 18小时前
Kudos to Spielberg for introducing Mark "rising star" Rylance, nothing else helps unfortunately